school perimeter FENCING

ExMesh™ Primary is a robust, cost effective security mesh fencing solution and is used by many education authorities to protect pupils, staff and property.

  • Safety conscious design with no protruding bolts
  • Aesthetically pleasing
  • Suitable for sloping ground without stepping
  • Medium to high security fencing system
  • Police preferred Secured By Design specification



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ExMesh™ Primary is a robust, cost effective security mesh fencing solution and is used by many education authorities to protect pupils, staff and property.

ExMesh™ Primary school perimeter fencing has also been designed to the police preferred Secured By Design specification and provides medium to high security. Offering flexible installation, the ExMesh™ Primary security system is suitable for sloping ground without stepping.

It’s also an aesthetically pleasing security option and with no protruding bolts, it’s safe for both children and the general public.

  • Safety conscious design with no protruding bolts
  • Aesthetically pleasing
  • Suitable for sloping ground without stepping
  • Medium to high security fencing system
  • Police preferred Secured By Design specification